MicroML4 Release History
Note: Changes in black mean new features or capabilities and red changes mean corrections from previous versions.
Version Release Date   Changes
2.3 7/15/2024 Major Improvements
  Moved report and report template directories to document directory
  It is required to delete registry after uninstaling the old and before installing this version 2.3
  For  firmware version 6.01.12  or newer
2.2 8/25/2023   "2 - AGA7 (Freq)" is changed to "2 - AGA7/ASTM(Freq.)" for all meters
2.1 3/12/2013 Autodetect issue is solved
  Downloader version 2.05 is implemented
2.0 10/12/2011 Added 2004 API Tables and Reports
  Modified Firmware Downloader
1.9 11/6/2008 Added Water Product Table
1.8 2/6/2008   Minor Improvements
1.7 3/29/2007 Expanded Program Variables addresses
1.6 10/16/2006   Added support for Mass pulses
1.5 12/10/2004   Daily Short Report added in version 1.4 not loading template properly
1.4 11/29/2004   Display Backlight Timer Control
  Touch Screen Disabling Feature
  User Promp for Batch End when product or batch config has changed
  Store Calibration in configuration file
1.3 9/21/2004   Added Page Breaks for Reports
  Added AutoType and last values used saving to Modbus Drivers
  Merged PID Drop down menu with PID View
  Store last online device version number and application
  Added calibration buttons to diagnostic screens
  Clear spare register before downloading
1.2 2/23/2004   BS&W Override Star not showing properly on Snapshot report
  Unable to get meter 2 Short Hourly Report - Always gets meter 1
  Unable to request for reports starting from reports different then the last
  Not Calibrating Analog Out 1
1.1 1/28/2004   Not displaying Analog Out assignment description on diagnostic window
  Unable to configure PID for meters 2,3,4 only meter 1
  Show K Factor units in data entry window (AGA7)
  Improved Communication Timing
  Disabled parity selection for Modbus RTU mode
  Frequency IO position was missing in AGA7
1.0 10/13/2003   First Release.